John Dillinger robbed the Citizen’s National Bank of Bluffton, Ohio on August 14, 1933
Winston and Denise
About the Author - DM Testa
“A deeply held fascination for events from the past along with a childhood spent sliding across the marble floors of a bank John Dillinger robbed provides much of my inspiration for Defending the Dillinger Gang.”
Originally from Northwest Ohio which she visits on a regular basis, D. M. Testa currently lives and works in Western New York state.
Assisting her is Winston, the Great Pyrenees, who enjoys digging up old facts almost as much as he does rooting around in the back yard.
Much as Wandering Winston would like to claim that a Pyr or Newfie rode shotgun alongside John Dillinger, the gang’s tastes ran towards smaller dogs like Boston Bull Terriers (more room in the getaway car.)
Winston is an inquisitive boy so you might see him at a book event or poking his nose into a Zoom meeting. He considers himself a rather well-traveled Pyr - enjoys meeting people and is a connoisseur of dog biscuits .